This page is for the game mechanic. If you want to know the RBE for a particular bloon, use the Bloons page.
Red Bloon Equivalent, or RBE for short, is how many hits you would need to do to pop a bloon with 1 PP. It is also how many lives a bloon will take if you let it get through.
The RBE of a round is the total of the RBEs for all the bloons sent in the round.
List of Round RBE totals[]
- First appearance of any bloon sub-type is in bold.
- First appearance of a bloon type is a link.
Round | RBE | Bloons |
1 | 20 | 20 Reds |
2 | 30 | 30 Reds |
3 | 36 | 12 Blues, 12 Reds |
4 | 64 | 12 Blues, 40 Reds |
5 | 80 | 10 Greens, 20 Blues, 10 Reds |
6 | 92 | 4 Greens, 16 Blues, 8 Oranges, 16 Reds |
7 | 72 | 24 Greens |
8 | 104 | 40 Tattered Reds, 16 Oranges |
9 | 132 | 4 Yellows, 12 Greens, 40 Blues |
10 | 134 | 2 Cyans, 60 Blues |
11 | 136 | 8 Yellows, 16 Tattered Greens, 14 Oranges |
12 | 112 | 12 Shielded Blues, 12 Yellows, 8 Pinks |
13 | 192 | 12 Tattered Oranges, 12 Cyans, 6 Limes |
14 | 187 | 28 Yellows, 15 Pinks |
15 | 130 | 30 Shielded Greens, 10 Shielded Oranges |
16 | 240 | 50 Greens, 30 Regen Greens |
17 | 104 | 12 Pinks, 4 Blacks |
18 | 168 | 12 Yellows, 12 Regen Yellows, 12 Tattered Yellows, 6 Shielded Yellows |
19 | 174 | 5 Blacks, 5 Whites, 32 Shielded Blues |
20 | 231 | 5 Camo Greens, 16 Regen Yellows, 10 Limes, 4 Ambers |
21 | 326 | 15 Reds, 15 Blues, 15 Greens, 15 Yellows, 8 Blacks, 8 Whites |
22 | 320 | 6 Blacks, 6 Whites, 4 Zebras, 32 Shielded Greens |
23 | 371 | 44 Tattered Greens, 12 Limes, 10 Ambers, 5 Lead Greens |
24 | 280 | 20 Shielded Cyans, 12 Shielded Yellows, 12 Regen Pinks, 4 Camo Yellows, 4 Lead Yellows |
25 | 425 | 50 Tattered Yellows, 5 Blacks, 5 Whites, 5 Zebras |
26 | 304 | 8 Zebras, 16 Regen Pinks, 8 Shielded Pinks |
27 | 767 | 30 Pinks, 16 Purples, 10 Blacks, 10 Whites, 3 Rainbows |
28 | 332 | 4 Lead Blacks, 8 Shielded Blacks, 20 Shielded Greens |
29 | 448 | 4 Camo Whites, 8 Shielded Whites, 12 Tattered Whites, 8 Zebras |
30 | 666 | 30 Yellows, 32 Regen Yellows, 20 Static Reds, 4 Static Yellows, 4 Shielded Zebras, 6 Rainbows |
31 | 700 | 10 Purples, 20 Limes, 12 Regen Blacks, 16 Tattered Ambers |
32 | 1,040 | 8 Tattered Rainbows, 16 Shielded Blacks, 44 Regen Yellows, 3 Ceramics |
33 | 620 | 20 Camo Pinks, 40 Tattered Pinks, 20 Purples |
34 | 672 | 32 Whites, 12 Shielded Whites, 4 Rainbows |
35 | 709 | 20 Static Greens, 5 Static Pinks, 6 Ceramics |
36 | 828 | 8 Lead Zebras, 16 Shielded Zebras, 12 Regen Zebras |
37 | 1692 | 8 Ceramics, 24 Tattered Purples, 2 Bricks |
38 | 655 | 4 Camo Rainbows, 4 Lead Rainbows, 4 Static Blacks, 5 Shielded Rainbows |
39 | 922 | 40 Purples, 6 Regen Rainbows |
40 | 2851 | 16 Rainbows, 3 Prismatics, 10 Ceramics, 1 Mini M.O.A.B. |
41 | 1892 | 20 Rainbows, 4 Bricks |
42 | 884 | 12 Shielded Rainbows, 20 Shielded Purples |
43 | 2,578 | 20 Zebras, 8 Prismatics, 2 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
44 | 1,494 | 22 Tattered Rainbows, 20 Camo Zebras |
45 | 1,624 | 8 Static Rainbows, 12 Ceramics |
46 | 3,169 | 4 Lead Ceramics, 80 Purples, 3 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
47 | 2,504 | 8 Bricks, 40 Regen Ambers, 20 Camo Ambers |
48 | 1,640 | 20 Shielded Purples, 10 Regen Prismatics |
49 | 2,260 | 6 Bricks, 8 Shielded Ceramics |
50 | 4,730 | 2 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s, 24 Ceramics, 1 M.O.A.B. |
51 | 2,704 | 16 Regen Ceramics, 10 Tattered Ceramics |
52 | 5,060 | 1 M.O.A.B., 12 Bricks, 4 Shielded Bricks |
53 | 5,808 | 40 Rainbows, 8 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
54 | 3,444 | 2 M.O.A.B.s, 20 Camo Rainbows |
55 | 4,435 | 5 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s, 20 Static Rainbows, 10 Lead Ceramics |
56 | 6,312 | 14 Bricks, 2 Tattered Bricks, 2 M.O.A.B.s |
57 | 3,220 | 16 Regen Prismatics, 20 Shielded Purples, 1 H.T.A. |
58 | 7,076 | 72 Regen Zebras, 16 Tattered Ceramics, 3 M.O.A.B.s |
59 | 8,588 | 1 B.R.C., 40 Ceramics |
60 | 8,848 | 11 Mini M.O.A.B.s, 99 Static Pinks 2 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
61 | 7,436 | 2 H.T.A.s, 10 Lead Prismatics, 20 Regen Bricks |
62 | 10,188 | 5 M.O.A.B.s, 8 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
63 | 10,936 | 2 B.R.C.s, 20 Camo Ceramics |
64 | 14,476 | 1 B.F.B., 20 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
65 | 8,320 | 20 Static Ceramics, 60 Tattered Ceramics |
66 | 14,176 | 8 M.O.A.B.s, 40 Shielded Ceramics |
67 | 8,212 | 20 Camo Lead Rainbows, 4 H.T.A.s, 20 Lead Bricks |
68 | 20,424 | 3 B.R.C.s, 30 Regen Bricks |
69 | 24,042 | 2 B.F.B.s, 30 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
70 | 7,876 | 1 B.F.B., 1 L.P.Z., 39 Static Rainbows |
71 | 15,160 | 100 Camo Ceramics, 20 Shielded Bricks |
72 | 23,300 | 3 B.R.C.s, 8 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
73 | 18,992 | 3 B.F.B.s, 8 H.T.A.s |
74 | 25,040 | 20 M.O.A.B.s |
75 | 7,380 | 2 L.P.Z.s, 100 Static Rainbows |
76 | 16,060 | 40 Camo Lead Ceramics, 50 Regen Bricks |
77 | 23,280 | 4 B.F.B.s, 1 Shielded B.F.B. |
78 | 19,923 | 3 D.D.T.s, 30 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
79 | 21,816 | 12 H.T.A.s, 60 Tattered Bricks |
80 | 24,368 | 3 Shielded B.F.B.s, 100 Static Ceramics |
81 | 35,424 | 8 B.R.C.s |
82 | 24,812 | 256 Regen Rainbows, 90 Shielded Prismatics |
83 | 17,968 | 1 Z.O.M.G. |
84 | 19,806 | 6 D.D.T.s, 15 H.T.A.s |
85 | 41,268 | 8 B.F.B.s, 3 L.P.Z.s |
86 | 37,560 | 29 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
87 | 48,496 | 20 H.T.A.s, 2 Z.O.M.G.s |
88 | 39,379 | 9 D.D.T.s, 100 Shielded Bricks |
89 | 61,048 | 7 B.F.B.s, 1 Shielded B.F.B., 100 Tattered Bricks |
90 | 53,904 | 3 Z.O.M.G.s |
Freeplay | ||
91 | 77,060+ | 200 Tattered Regen Bricks, 60 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
92 | 69,840+ | 9 B.F.B.s, 6 Shielded B.F.B.s |
93 | 81,440+ | 50 M.O.A.B.s, 30 H.T.A.s |
94 | 68,330+ | 10 B.R.C.s, 50 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
95 | 68,372+ | 200 Camo Lead Bricks, 12 D.D.T.s |
96 | 70,848+ | 12 B.F.B.s, 144 Static Ceramics |
97 | 59,264+ | 4 L.P.Z.s, 3 Z.O.M.G.s |
98 | 75.200+ | 40 Shielded M.O.A.B.s, 40 H.T.A.s |
99 | 34,005+ | 6 L.P.Z.s, 15 D.D.T.s |
100 | 89,840+ | 5 Z.O.M.G.s |
101 and up | Round 101 and above are repeats of Rounds 91-100. Bloons also get +25% speed, +40% amount/density until 400%, +100% health infinitely every 10 rounds. extra health also affects shield health. |
Blimp Brigade[]
Round | RBE | Bloons |
1 | 1,473 | 3 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
2 | 2,946 | 6 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
3 | 5,892 | 12 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
4 | 2,504 | 2 M.O.A.B.s |
5 | 4,228 | 7 Mini M.O.A.B.s, 3 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
6 | 5,008 | 4 M.O.A.B.s |
7 | 6,711 | 3 M.O.A.B.s, 5 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
8 | 7,642 | 1B.R.C., 2 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
9 | 14,746 | 1 B.F.B., 18 Mini M.O.A.B.s |
10 | 5,745 | 3 H.T.A.s, 3 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
11 | 11,268 | 9 M.O.A.B.s |
12 | 15,948 | 2 B.R.C.s, 12 Shielded Mini M.O.A.B.s |
13 | 2,772 | 9 H.T.A.s |
14 | 21,458 | 2 B.F.B.s, 6 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
15 | 15,374 | 1 L.P.Z., 3 B.R.C.s |
16 | 17,712 | 4 B.R.C.s |
17 | 24,887 | 3 B.F.B.s, 1 Shielded B.F.B. |
18 | 6,270 | 3 L.P.Z.s |
19 | 32,140 | 20 Shielded M.O.A.B.s |
20 | 8,941 | 3 D.D.T.s, 20 H.T.A.'s |
21 | 49,121 | 3 Shielded B.F.B.s, 1 Z.O.M.G. |
Freeplay Scaling[]
As stated previously in the tables, in freeplay mode, more, stronger, and faster bloons appear with less spacing.
For every 10 rounds in freeplay(ex. round 101/111/121/... or 86/96/106/... or 71/81/91/...), Bloons gain...
- +100%/100%/20% health/shield health
- +25%/25%/10% speed until 400%/425%/230% speed. Caps at round 211/216/191.
- +40% amount up to 5x amount. Caps at round 191/176/161. The final amount is rounded.
- +40% density(less spacing bewteen bloons) up to 5x density(or 20% spacing). Caps at round 191/176/161.