The Monkey Submarine, often referred to as the Monkey Sub, is one of two water towers in the game. Starting as a waterborne Dart Monkey with seeking darts, it's pretty average, but lasts from early-game to late-game with the right upgrades. Costs $440.
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Blockade).
Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Smart Darts). | |||
- Can pop camo with all middle and stacked upgrades; the sonar sweeps also permanently remove the camo ability from affected bloons.
- Can pop lead with 4M, 5M, all stacked upgrades, and the torpedoes, missiles, and ability from the right upgrades.
- Can damage HTAs with all stacked upgrades, the sonar sweeps from 4M and 5M, and the torpedoes, missiles, and ability from the right upgrades.
- Each tower in the attack range of a Monkey Submarine increases the sub's attack range (but not sonar range).
- Unlike the official games, Submerged subs still keep their previous attacks (as BTDX lacks targeting options), allowing them to still attack with darts.
- Brilliant all-around tower.
- Effective against multiple bloon types.
- Very effective against camo bloons.
- 5R is very effective against ZOMGs.
- Has massive popping power, especially 4M and 4L.
- Not effective against HTA.
- Very weak aganst DDT's.
- Has very limited space because it's a water tower.
- Struggles against Nightmare bloons.
Towers |