Confirmed Hotkeys[]
- Z, X, and C - for the respective upgrade paths of left, middle, and right. All three will work for the first two upgrades.
- Escape - Deselect
- Space - Start next round/speed up
- Backspace - Sell selected tower
- 1 - Dart Monkey
- Q - Tack Shooter
- 2 - Boomerang Thrower
- W - Sniper Monkey
- 3 - Ninja Monkey
- E - Bomb Shooter
- 4 - Monkey Submarine
- R - Charge Tower
- 5 - Glue Gunner
- T - Ice Monkey
- 6 - Monkey Buccaneer
- Y - Monkey Engineer
- 7 - Monkey Ace
- 8 - Monkey Village
- O - Banana Tree
- 9 - Monkey Apprentice
- I - Monkey Alchemist
- 0 - Mortar Launcher
- P - Dartling Gun
- F - Spike Factory
- V - Heli Pilot
- G - Plasma Monkey
- B - Super Monkey
- N - Exploding Pineapple
- H - Road Spikes
- We're not sure if the agents have any hotkeys.
- Corsaka