Bloons Tower Defense X Wiki


These are word for word what is currently ingame. (Upgrades with a price of 0 aren't actually free, its that their prices are unknown)

Fun Facts[]

You need a total of 1620 BP (Bloon Points) to unlock all upgrades on all towers.

Dart Monkey ($200)[]

Dart Monkey
Sharp Darts
Each dart can pop 2 bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $360
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Juggernaut).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Spike o Pult+).

Sharp Senses
Darts pop 4 bloons and pop camo
Tier 2
Total cost: $540
Bloontonium Darts
Darts pop lead and travel further
Tier 3L
Total cost: $750
Spike o Pult
Pops 20 bloons at a time
Tier 3M
Total cost: $1,250
Triple Darts
Tosses 3 darts at a time
Tier 3R
Total cost: $980
Spike o Pult+
Can pierce through shields
Tier 3S
Total cost: $1,490
Rank 16
BP x2

Dart Gunner
Dart gun shoots faster and pops 2 layers
Tier 4L
Total cost: $1,500
Rank 16
BP x3

Triple Pult
Hurls 3 spiked balls at a time
Tier 4M
Total cost: $2,850
Rank 16
BP x2

Dart Ranger
Two handed; Dart Monkeys cost less in range
Tier 4R
Total cost: $1,830
Rank 16
BP x15

Spike Assault Rifle
Shoots multiple balls at once
Tier 4S
Total cost: $4,790
Rank 40
BP x5

Dart Tank
Send a barrage of darts towards an area
Tier 5L
Total cost: $3,300
Rank 40
BP x7

Pops 3 layers off of a crowd of bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $6,050
Rank 40
BP x7

Super Mon. Fan Club
Up to 8 adjacent Dart Monkeys become transformed
Tier 5R
Total cost: $9,330
Rank 40
BP x25

Spike Ball Minigun
Temporarily Hypersonic speed
Tier 5S
Total cost: $14,290

Total BP to fully unlock: 66

Tack Shooter ($370)[]

Tack Shooter
Faster Shooter
Shoots Faster
Tier 1
Total cost: $540
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Ring of Fire).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Bomb Sprayer).

Even More Tacks
Shoots Even Faster
Tier 2
Total cost: $770
Blade Shooter
Blades pop 3 bloons and move faster
Tier 3L
Total cost: $1,510
Red Hot Tacks
Pops lead and melts ceramic
Tier 3M
Total cost: $1,110
Tack Sprayer
Shoots 16 tacks
Tier 3R
Total cost: $1,400
Bomb Sprayer
Shoots bombs in eight directions
Tier 3S
Total cost: $2,970
Rank 17
BP x2

Max. Torque Blades
Blades spin, giving them more range and power
Tier 4L
Total cost: $2,840
Rank 17
BP x3

Flame Jets
Four Jets pop several layers off of several bloons
Tier 4M
Total cost: $2,660
Rank 17
BP x3

Tack Storm
Shoots a storm of tacks
Tier 4R
Total cost: $3,700
Rank 17
BP x15

Firecracker Shooter
Firecrackers have wilder explosions
Tier 4S
Total cost: $8,870
Rank 41
BP x5

Blade Maelstrom
Launches a wave of blades
Tier 5L
Total cost: $5,640
Rank 41
BP x7

Ring of Fire
Big ring of fire rapidly pops 3 layers of bloon
Tier 5M
Total cost: $6,560
Rank 41
BP x7

Tack Typhoon
Unleash a Typhoon of tacks on the whole track
Tier 5R
Total cost: $9,300
Rank 41
BP x25

Pretty and dangerous for bloons
Tier 5S
Total cost: $23,270

Total BP to fully unlock: 67

Boomerang Thrower ($380)[]

Boomerang Thrower
Pops 8 bloons at once
Tier 1
Total cost: $580
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Megarang Toss).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Plasmasaber).

Glaive Thrower
Faster, and pops 13 bloons plus lead
Tier 2
Total cost: $910
Moves even faster and pops 25 bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $1,800
Glaive Ricochet
Glaives bounce off of walls
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,110
Bionic Boomer
Shoots 4x as fast
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,360
Comes back at the bloons and cuts through all
Tier 3S
Total cost: $2,810
Rank 18
BP x3

Plasmarang Juggler
Juggles the plasmarang
Tier 4L
Total cost: $3,800
Rank 18
BP x3

Glaive Knight
Glaives travel faster and last longer
Tier 4M
Total cost: $4,810
Rank 18
BP x3

Double Ranga
Shoots twice the rangs
Tier 4R
Total cost: $4,660
Rank 18
BP x15

Plasmasaber Knight
Adept projectile control
Tier 4S
Total cost: $8,360
Rank 42
BP x7

Megarang Toss
Throws a giant plasmarang that damages so many bloons
Tier 5L
Total cost: $6,800
Rank 42
BP x7

Glaive Lord
Each glaive has two more rotating glaives
Tier 5M
Total cost: $12,310
Rank 42
BP x7

Turbo Charge
Activate hypersonic ranga throwing
Tier 5R
Total cost: $8,160
Rank 42
BP x25

Projectile Master
Master of projectiles
Tier 5S
Total cost: $25,360

Total BP to fully unlock: 70

Sniper Monkey ($420)[]

Sniper Monkey
Full Metal Jacket
Pops five layers and lead
Tier 1
Total cost: $920
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (RPG Strike).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Flack Gun).

Enhanced Eye Sight
Shoots faster, pops 7 layers, and pops camo
Tier 2
Total cost: $2,520
Tactical Shotgun
Pops surrounding bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $4,220
Deadly Precision
Pops +11 layers; enough to pop a ceramic
Tier 3M
Total cost: $5,520
Semi Automatic Rifle
Shoots 3x as fast
Tier 3R
Total cost: $5,820
Flack Gun
Lots of shrapnel from sniper shots
Tier 3S
Total cost: $4,620
Rank 19
BP x4

Does 4 layers to a large area
Tier 4L
Total cost: $7,520
Rank 19
BP x5

Brick Layer
Pops +30 layers; Enough to pop a brick
Tier 4M
Total cost: $11,870
Rank 19
BP x4

Machine Gun
Shoots really really fast
Tier 4R
Total cost: $11,520
Rank 19
BP x15

Bloonzooka +
Explosions + shrapnel
Tier 4S
Total cost: $10,520
Rank 43
BP x7

RPG Strike
Does 400 layers to a large crowd
Tier 5L
Total cost: $13,020
Rank 43
BP x11

Moab Crippler
Immobilises Moab class bloons for a time
Tier 5M
Total cost: $24,370
Rank 43
BP x11

Supply Drones
Sends in money and poppage
Tier 5R
Total cost: $24,770
Rank 43
BP x25

Railgun Tank x50
Shoots bazooka missiles and has a powerful railgun
Tier 5S
Total cost: $37,520

Total BP to fully unlock: 82

Ninja Monkey ($590)[]

Ninja Monkey
Sharp Shurikens
Each one pops 4 bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $960
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Crouching Monkey).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Sai +).

Ninja Training
Shoots faster and pops 5 bloons
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,440
Bloons struck move backwards
Tier 3L
Total cost: $1,990
Dual Shot
Throws two shurikens
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,490
Pops bloons in a close radius
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,490
Sai +
Melee + Deadly Ninja Stars
Tier 3S
Total cost: $3,040
Rank 20
BP x3

Flash Bombs
Distracts a wide area
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,090
Rank 20
BP x4

Throws five shurikens
Tier 4M
Total cost: $5,490
Rank 20
BP x3

Pops 2 layers and has a longer arc
Tier 4R
Total cost: $4,390
Rank 20
BP x15

Katana +
Powerful Blade + Fierce Shurikens
Tier 4S
Total cost: $5,940
Rank 44
BP x7

Mass Distraction
Distract the entire track
Tier 5L
Total cost: $7,890
Rank 44
BP x9

Ninja God
Divine Ninja Stars get thrown at hypersonic speed
Tier 5M
Total cost: $14,990
Rank 44
BP x7

Crouching Monkey
Flies around, taking out bloons
Tier 5R
Total cost: $9,990
Rank 44
BP x25

Cursed Blade Demon
Sword that eats the helium off of bloons
Tier 5S
Total cost: $25,540

Total BP to fully unlock: 73

Bomb Shooter ($650)[]

Bomb Shooter
Bigger Bombs
Explosions are bigger and shoot out fragments
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,150
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (The MOAP).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Pop Cannon).

Missile Launcher
Shoots faster and further
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,600
Bloon Buster
Missiles that hit harder
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,800
Cluster Bombs
Bombs that make more bombs
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,500
Pineapple Launcher
Stores and launches pineapples
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,300
Pop Cannon
Shoots pure explosion projectiles
Tier 3S
Total cost: $3,100
Rank 21
BP x2

Moab Mauler
Does x5 damage to Moab class bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,400
Rank 21
BP x4

Bloon Impact
Explosions stun bloons for a short time
Tier 4M
Total cost: $6,100
Rank 21
BP x4

Mega Pineapples
Pineapples pop multiple layers and have larger explosions
Tier 4R
Total cost: $5,000
Rank 21
BP x15

Explosion Machine
Shoots bigger Explosion Energy
Tier 4S
Total cost: $9,400
Rank 45
BP x7

Moab Assassin
Does 1000 damage to the Moab class bloon
Tier 5L
Total cost: $8,600
Rank 45
BP x7

Explosion King
Explosions that never give up
Tier 5M
Total cost: $13,300
Rank 45
BP x9

Does massive damage to all bloons
Tier 5R
Total cost: $14,000
Rank 45
BP x25

Big Bang Machine
Creates tiny explosion universes
Tier 5S
Total cost: $40,400

Total BP to fully unlock: 73

Monkey Submarine ($440)[]

Monkey Submarine
Barbed Darts
Darts pop 3 bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $770
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Blockade).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Smart Darts).

Twin Guns
Shoots twice as fast
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,300
Airburst Darts
Darts split into 3 more darts
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,250
Support & Submerge
Submerged subs can reveal camo, heal stun
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,300
Rapid long range explosives
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,350
Smart Darts
High IQ Darts
Tier 3S
Total cost: $3,600
Rank 22
BP x3

Assault Sub
Increases fire-rate (darts split into 7 rather than 3.)
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,650
Rank 22
BP x4

Bloontonium Reactor
Pops bloons in area, better against shields
Tier 4M
Total cost: $5,300
Rank 22
BP x3

Ballistic Missile
Does heavy damage to armored bloons and Moabs
Tier 4R
Total cost: $4,900
Rank 22
BP x15

Control Tower
Complete control over popping power
Tier 4S
Total cost: $10,100
Rank 46
BP x9

Temporarily stops bloons from leaking
Tier 5L
Total cost: $10,650
Rank 46
BP x9

Anti-Matter Reactor
Speeds up abilities, pops more bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $14,800
Rank 46
BP x11

First Strike
Powerful Strike that can pop a ZOMG
Tier 5R
Total cost: $20,900
Rank 46
BP x25

War Mastermind
Smartest monkey gives Weapon Superiority
Tier 5S
Total cost: $33,100

Total BP to fully unlock: 79

Charge Tower ($450)[]

Charge Tower
Charge Storage
Charges faster and stores twice as much
Tier 1
Total cost: $670
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Charge Overload).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Super Charges).

Powered Charges
Charges pop 4 bloons
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,000
Charge Battery
Doubles charging and storage
Tier 3L
Total cost: $1,750
Orbital Discharge
Charges orbit, and pop 12 bloons plus camo and lead
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,100
Tesla Coil
Shoots short ranged electro bursts
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,700
Super Charges
Much stronger charge shots
Tier 3S
Total cost: $3,000
Rank 23
BP x3

Charge Burst
Each Charge splits into four more projectiles
Tier 4L
Total cost: $3,250
Rank 23
BP x4

Magnetic Field
Magnetically charged projectiles pop several layers
Tier 4M
Total cost: $5,500
Rank 23
BP x4

Long ranged powerful energy beam
Tier 4R
Total cost: $6,200
Rank 23
BP x15

Mega Charges
Much much stronger charge shots
Tier 4S
Total cost: $10,000
Rank 47
BP x7

Charge Overload
Ability that gives the charge an extra 150 charges
Tier 5L
Total cost: $6,250
Rank 47
BP x9

Gravity Bomb
Explosive charges damage 3 layers of bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $16,000
Rank 47
BP x9

Lightning Bomb
Shoots a massive ball of energy wherever you choose
Tier 5R
Total cost: $12,500
Rank 47
BP x25

Mega Mega Charges
Much much much stronger charge shots
Tier 5S
Total cost: $31,500

Total BP to fully unlock: 76

Glue Gunner ($450)[]

Glue Gunner
Piercing Glue
Glues two bloons and pops them
Tier 1
Total cost: $800
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Moab Poison).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Acid Gun).

Corrosive Glue
Glued bloons pop once every two seconds, +1PP
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,200
Glue Hose
Shoots much faster and glues more bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $3,200
Bloon Dissolver
Glued bloons pop twice a seconds +1PP
Tier 3M
Total cost: $3,000
Glue Factory
Leaves a bunch of glue on the track
Tier 3R
Total cost: $3,700
Acid Gun
Burns bloons, pops more of them and does more damage
Total cost: $3,800
Rank 24
BP x4

Thick Glue Splatter
Slows bloons down more, can slow down ceramics
Tier 4L
Total cost: $7,700
Rank 24
BP x5

Bloon Liquefier
Corrosion is five times more potent, shoots helix shots
Tier 4M
Total cost: $10,200
Rank 24
BP x4

Crazy Glue Factory
Crazy glue makes bloons completely stop
Tier 4R
Total cost: $8,700
Rank 24
BP x15

Venomous Monkey
Shoots strong poison shots that hurts all
Total cost: $12,800
Rank 48
BP x9

Glue Striker
Glues every bloon on screen with thick glue
Tier 5L
Total cost: $14,300
Rank 48
BP x11

Moab Poison
Does 20 damage per second to MOAB-class bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $26,200
Rank 48
BP x9

Crazy Propeller Glue
Makes MOAB-class bloons stop in their tracks
Tier 5R
Total cost: $16,200
Rank 48
BP x25

King Cobra
Strongest Poison known to the animal kingdom
Total cost: $40,800

Total BP to fully unlock: 82

Ice Monkey ($510)[]

Ice Monkey
Enhanced Freeze
Wider freezing range
Tier 1
Total cost: $910
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Ice Storm).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Ice Magic).

Perma Frost
Freezes 3 layers of bloon
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,350
Snowball Thrower
Quickly tosses snowballs at bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,100
Arctic Wind
Slows bloons down by 33%
Tier 3M
Total cost: $4,350
Shattering Freeze
Projectiles pop through all frozen layers
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,250
Ice Magic
Pops and keeps groups of bloons in check
Total cost: $4,450
Rank 25
BP x3

Snowmound Cannon
Snowmounds can freeze 12 bloons at once
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,100
Rank 25
BP x5

Polar Winds
Slows bloons down in a wider radius by 60%
Tier 4M
Total cost: $10,350
Rank 25
BP x3

Ice Shards
Popped frozen bloons shoot ice shards out
Tier 4R
Total cost: $5,000
Rank 25
BP x15

Blizzard Wizard
Creates icey pop zones
Total cost: $14,550
Rank 49
BP x9

Freezerburn Cannon
Overloaded Cannon shoots flaming ice balls
Tier 5L
Total cost: $8,900
Rank 49
BP x13

Absolute Zero
Much longer freeze time can affect moabs
Tier 5M
Total cost: $31,350
Rank 49
BP x11

Ice Storm
Freezes all bloons and makes moabs shoot shards out
Tier 5R
Total cost: $12,700
Rank 49
BP x25

Polar Vortex
Strongest and Coldest Storms
Total cost: $55,550

Total BP to fully unlock: 84

Monkey Buccaneer ($600)[]

Monkey Buccaneer
Grape Shot
Four additional grapes are shot out
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,050
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Pirate Captain).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Dreadnought).

Faster Shooting
Adds a crows nest, which detects camo
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,400
Ground Infantry
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,300
Shoots very fast
Tier 3M
Total cost: $3,600
Cannon Ship
Better than a normal cannon
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,650
Shoots flaming hot lead with acceleration
Total cost: $3,800
Rank 26
BP x3

Monkey Pirates
Pirates use a cutlass and a Musket
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,100
Rank 26
BP x4

Supreme Battleship
Shoots fast and furiously
Tier 4M
Total cost: $8,300
Rank 26
BP x3

Pops any regular bloon in one hit
Tier 4R
Total cost: $5,350
Rank 26
BP x15

Cursed Ship
The souls of the popped drift towards the ship
Total cost: $9,800
Rank 50
BP x7

Pirate Captain
Gives a morale boost to pirates
Tier 5L
Total cost: $7,600
Rank 50
BP x11

Aircraft Carrier
Planes fly around and release a storm of darts
Tier 5M
Total cost: $22,300
Rank 50
BP x9

MOAB Takedown
Takes down the most dangerous MOABs single handedly
Tier 5R
Total cost: $13,450
Rank 50
BP x25

Ghost Ship
Flying Dutchman
Total cost: $27,800

Total BP to fully unlock: 77

Monkey Engineer ($470)[]

Monkey Engineer
Sentry Turrets
Places Sentries that provide bloon defense
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,000
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Omega Tech).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Sentry Drones).

Fast Engineering
Places Sentries more often
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,350
Shield Buster
Sentries shoots shield-busting projectiles
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,100
Super Nail Gun
Nails can pop up to 8 bloons
Tier 3M
Total cost: $1,900
Cleansing Gun
Cleans and pops bad bloons
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,450
Sentry Drones
Flying high, popping bloons fast
Total cost: $3,150
Rank 27
BP x3

EMP Grenade
Completely disable shields and static bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $4,600
Rank 27
BP x2

Super Sentries
Super Sentries fire much faster
Tier 4M
Total cost: $3,100
Rank 27
BP x3

Purification SMG
Clean much more bloons
Tier 4R
Total cost: $5,950
Rank 27
BP x15

Fully Controlled, automated destruction
Total cost: $16,650
Rank 51
BP x7

Disables most shields and stuns bloons
Tier 5L
Total cost: $9,600
Rank 51
BP x9

Omega Tech
The strongest tech available
Tier 5M
Total cost: $15,100
Rank 51
BP x9

Bloon Bustin' Containment Unit
Does what you'd think it does
Tier 5R
Total cost: $13,450
Rank 51
BP x25

The Machine
Activates the kill switch on all machines
Total cost: $43,650

Total BP to fully unlock: 73

Monkey Ace ($810)[]

Monkey Ace
Faster Firing
Shoots more often
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,250
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Ground Zero).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (OD5+).

Penetrating Shot
Each dart pops 8 bloons
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,800
Gatling Gun
Fires darts forward very quickly
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,700
Neva Miss Darts
Darts aim at the bloons
Tier 3M
Total cost: $4,600
Operation Dart Storm
Darts that blot out the sun
Tier 3R
Total cost: $4,500
The sky is darts
Tier 3S
Total cost: $5,400
Rank 28
BP x3

Does sick manoeuevres and pops bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $5,400
Rank 28
BP x5

Splodey Darts
Darts explode when hitting bloons
Tier 4M
Total cost: $11,100
Rank 28
BP x4

Bloon Duster
Darts that can control the crowd
Tier 4R
Total cost: $9,500
Rank 28
BP x15

Bloon Duster+
Dart waves upon waves
Tier 4S
Total cost: $11,900
Rank 52
BP x9

Side-Winder Ace
Ally joins in for more popping power
Tier 5L
Total cost: $13,500
Rank 52
BP x11

Shoots mini-nukes very fast
Tier 5M
Total cost: $28,600
Rank 52
BP x11

Ground Zero
Does 500 damage to everything on-screen
Tier 5R
Total cost: $25,000
Rank 52
BP x25

Ultra crowd pleaser
Tier 5S
Total cost: $32,900

Total BP to fully unlock: 83

Bloonchipper ($600)[]

Sucks Bloons faster and has more range
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,000
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Super Wide Funnel).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Dense Chipper).

Advanced Suction
Can suck in bloons like leads, shields, and ceramics
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,500
Bloon Juicer
Sucks the life out of the bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $3,100
Razor Shreder
Pops through 2 layers and pops strong bloons faster
Tier 3M
Total cost: $2,700
Triple Nozzle
Sucks 3 bloons at once
Tier 3R
Total cost: $3,600
Dense Chipper
Sucks in crowds and crushes them
Tier 3S
Total cost: $6,000
Rank 29
BP x4

Shoots out rotten rubber
Tier 4L
Total cost: $6,700
Rank 29
BP x4

Quad Core Rotors
Pops through 4 layers and through strong bloons instantly
Tier 4M
Total cost: $6,000
Rank 29
BP x4

Turbo Sucker
Sucks much much faster
Tier 4R
Total cost: $7,800
Rank 29
BP x15

Gravity Well
Exerts Massive Pressure
Tier 4S
Total cost: $18,000
Rank 53
BP x9

Rubber Vampire
Unleash the mighty bloon blender
Tier 5L
Total cost: $15,700
Rank 53
BP x11

Super Wide Funnel
Sucks in Moab Class Bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $18,500
Rank 53
BP x9

Supa Vac
Suck in everything at once
Tier 5R
Total cost: $18,300
Rank 53
BP x25

Singularity Engine
Generates Black Holes
Tier 5S
Total cost: $58,000

Total BP to fully unlock: 81

Monkey Alchemist ($770)[]

Monkey Alchemist
Poison Cloud
Pops bloons overtime
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,400
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Amplification).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Space Potions).

Faster Brewing
Brews potions faster
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,900
Degradation Potion
Turns bloons into paper, which can be 1HKO'd
Tier 3L
Total cost: $4,600
Potent Potions
Potions deal twice as much damage and are bigger
Tier 3M
Total cost: $4,000
Health Potion
Heals stunned towers and can charge abilities
Tier 3R
Total cost: $2,900
Space Potions
Sends Bloons Back
Total cost: $4,900
Rank 30
BP x4

Alchemical Mastery
Bloons turn into gold $$$
Tier 4L
Total cost: $7,600
Rank 30
BP x4

Droopy Potions
Leaves behind a droopy puddle
Tier 4M
Total cost: $8,100
Rank 30
BP x3

Boost Potion
Gives 20% more attack speed to towers
Tier 4R
Total cost: $4,900
Rank 30
BP x15

Loopy Potions
Turns Bloons Into Hallucinations
Total cost: $13,200
Rank 54
BP x7

Spray an area with a Diamond Potion
Tier 5L
Total cost: $13,100
Rank 54
BP x9

Chemical Engineer
Shoots long range potions quickly
Tier 5M
Total cost: $16,100
Rank 54
BP x9

Doubles a tower's attack speed for 30 seconds
Tier 5R
Total cost: $13,900
Rank 54
BP x25

Helium Dreams
Bad Trips For Everyone (Ability: Turns all non-moabs into hallucinations
Total cost: $39,200

Total BP to fully unlock: 76

Monkey Apprentice ($450)[]

Monkey Apprentice
Fireball does extra damage in an area
Tier 1
Total cost: $810
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Reapers).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Adept Wizard).

Lightning Ring
Pops a lot of bloons in an area
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,860
Dragon's Breath
Spits hot fire
Tier 3L
Total cost: $5,160
Summons the undead as bloons are popped nearby
Tier 3M
Total cost: $3,360
Blows back bloons
Tier 3R
Total cost: $3,110
Adept Wizard
Charges up powerful spells
Tier 3S
Total cost: $5,360
Rank 31
BP x4

Pheonix Breath
Roasts and toasts a wider array of bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $11,560
Rank 31
BP x4

Army of Darkness
Skele-Knights do much more damage
Tier 4M
Total cost: $6,860
Rank 31
BP x5

Tempest Tornado
Blows back and pops huge crowds
Tier 4R
Total cost: $8,610
Rank 31
BP x15

Arcane Wizard
Smites bloons with increased power
Tier 4S
Total cost: $13,860
Rank 55
BP x11

Summon Fire God
Pheonix circles around and destroys
Tier 5L
Total cost: $20,860
Rank 55
BP x11

Angels of death
Tier 5M
Total cost: $20,160
Rank 55
BP x9

Does huge damage over an area
Tier 5R
Total cost: $19,910
Rank 55
BP x25

Pop Elemental
Master of pure pop magic
Tier 5S
Total cost: $58,860

Total BP to fully unlock: 84

Monkey Village ($1200)[]

Monkey Village
Fierce Tossing
Gives +1 popping power
Tier 1
Total cost: $2,000
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Monkey Energizer).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Blacksmith).

Jungle Drums
Gives +10% attack speed
Tier 2
Total cost: $3,300
Radar Eyes
Grants camo detection
Tier 3L
Total cost: $6,000
Monkey fort
+200 lives instantly; + Damage resistance
Tier 3M
Total cost: $6,300
x2 to all affects[sic]
Tier 3R
Total cost: $7,300
Projectiles Are Larger And Have Boosted Stats
Total cost: $6,800
Rank 32
BP x4

Pop Camo + Lead
Tier 4L
Total cost: $10,500
Rank 32
BP x5

Monkey Town
+10% to cash flow; Gives 3% interest every round
Tier 4M
Total cost: $15,300
Rank 32
BP x5

High Energy Beacon
+20% charge rate, shoots energy when an ability is activated
Tier 4R
Total cost: $13,300
Rank 32
BP x15

Projectiles Do Extra Damage To MOAB Class Bloons
Total cost: $22,800
Rank 56
BP x11

Call To Arms
Double attack speed for 10 seconds
Tier 5L
Total cost: $25,500
Rank 56
BP x11

Monkey Metropolis
Bloons need to cover 5% more track, also gives more space
Tier 5M
Total cost: $33,300
Rank 56
BP x11

Monkey Energizer
x10 charge rate for 6 seconds
Tier 5R
Total cost: $33,300
Rank 56
BP x25

Projectiles Split Into 2 Identical Copies
Total cost: $67,800

Total BP to fully unlock: 87

Banana Tree ($900)[]

Banana Tree
Banana Farm
Generates 5 bananas
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,500
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Banana Replicator).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Rubberlust Farm).

Banana Plantation
Grows 9 bananas
Tier 2
Total cost: $2,700
Healthy Bananas
Gives +1 lives per banana
Tier 3L
Total cost: $4,100
Banana Republic
20 Bananas per round
Tier 3M
Total cost: $5,500
Passive Income
Gives extra money over time
Tier 3R
Total cost: $4,400
Rubberlust Farm
Bloons popped around it spawn bananas
Total cost: $5,700
Rank 33
BP x4

Healthier Bananas
+3 Lives per banana
Tier 4L
Total cost: $6,700
Rank 33
BP x5

Super Banana Factory
12 super bananas that give $100 each
Tier 4M
Total cost: $14,500
Rank 33
BP x4

Life Insurance
Creates a revenge banana for each life lost!
Tier 4R
Total cost: $6,900
Rank 33
BP x15

Rubberfuel Farms
Duplicates bloons, but gives much more bananas
Total cost: $8,700
Rank 57
BP x9

Golden Fruit
Ability grants +100 lives
Tier 5L
Total cost: $12,700
Rank 57
BP x13

Banana Replicator
35 Super Bananas
Tier 5M
Total cost: $41,500
Rank 57
BP x9

Insurance Fraud
Sacrifice 75 lives for $1500
Tier 5R
Total cost: $14,700
Rank 57
BP x25

Bananabeam Farm
Shoots a beam that destroys all, but costs money
Total cost: $23,700

Total BP to fully unlock: 84

Mortar Launcher ($780)[]

Mortar Launcher
Faster Firing
Shoots faster
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,140
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (Pop and Awe).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Mortar Battery +).

Bigger Explosions
Tier 2
Total cost: $1,640
Sets the track on fire
Tier 3L
Total cost: $2,940
Deep Impact
Does 3 layers of damage
Tier 3M
Total cost: $4,240
Mortar Battery
Three times the speed
Tier 3R
Total cost: $3,890
Mortar Battery +
Shoots faster and with extra smaller explosions
Tier 3S
Total cost: $4,190
Rank 34
BP x4

Burning Blast
Bigger fire blast can roast several bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $7,340
Rank 34
BP x5

The Big One
Very big explosion that pops 5 layers
Tier 4M
Total cost: $13,240
Rank 34
BP x4

Staggered Explosives
Knocks bloons back
Tier 4R
Total cost: $6,890
Rank 34
BP x15

Carpet Bombing
Explosions in 4 directions
Tier 4S
Total cost: $11,890
Rank 58
BP x9

Set an entire section of the map on fire
Tier 5L
Total cost: $15,840
Rank 58
BP x13

Ion Cannon
Orbital Satellite sends down an ultra light beam
Tier 5M
Total cost: $38,740
Rank 58
BP x9

Pop and Awe
Stuns and pops bloons for 6 seconds
Tier 5R
Total cost: $17,390
Rank 58
BP x25

Cross Hyper Beam
Four way energy beam
Tier 5S
Total cost: $48,890

Total BP to fully unlock: 84

Dartling Gun ($950)[]

Dartling Gun
Directed Fire
More accurate and pops 3 bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,700
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Golden Barrage).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Unloader Plus).

Faster Barrel Spin
Shoots very fast
Tier 2
Total cost: $2,900
Unleash a barrage
Tier 3L
Total cost: $7,200
Laser Cannon
Lasers pop several bloons and are shot faster
Tier 3M
Total cost: $8,800
Hydra Rockets
Rockets that explode
Tier 3R
Total cost: $9,500
Unloader Plus
Wider and Stronger Barrage
Tier 3S
Total cost: $7,900
Rank 35
BP x5

Flechette Darts
Darts split into smaller darts
Tier 4L
Total cost: $15,700
Rank 35
BP x7

Ray of Doom
Does continuous damage over a large distance
Tier 4M
Total cost: $47,800
Rank 35
BP x5

Rocket Storm
Shoots a wide array of rockets
Tier 4R
Total cost: $23,400
Rank 35
BP x15

Golden Bolts
Does heavy damage to bloons
Tier 4S
Total cost: $22,900
Rank 59
BP x11

Golden Barrage
Golden Bolts do rapid damage
Tier 5L
Total cost: $32,700
Rank 59
BP x15

Hyper Ultra Beam
Does way more damage
Tier 5M
Total cost: $132,800
Rank 59
BP x11

Wave upon a wave of rockets
Tier 5R
Total cost: $44,400
Rank 59
BP x25

Golden Shower
Shoots sparkles and pure energy
Tier 5S
Total cost: $85,900

Total BP to fully unlock: 94

Spike Factory ($750)[]

Spike Factory
Bigger Pile
Spike pile now pops 12 bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $1,450
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5M (Nebula).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Shield Generator).

Faster Piling
Produces spikes nearly twice as fast
Tier 2
Total cost: $2,700
Spike Ball Factory
Does more damage to armored bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $5,100
Titanium Spikes
Titanium spikes pop twice as much and last longer
Tier 3M
Total cost: $5,700
Moab Shredr
Does more damage to MOAB class bloons
Tier 3R
Total cost: $6,100
Shield Generator
Shields that block and pop bloons
Tier 3S
Total cost: $6,200
Rank 36
BP x5

Spiked Mines
Mines explode when they run out of spikes
Tier 4L
Total cost: $13,600
Rank 36
BP x5

Planetery Spikes
Big spike pile pops 75 bloons
Tier 4M
Total cost: $13,500
Rank 36
BP x5

Trvlr Spikes
Generates more spikes that home in on MOABs
Tier 4R
Total cost: $14,000
Rank 36
BP x15

Ultra Forcefields
Much stronger forcefields
Tier 4S
Total cost: $17,700
Rank 60
BP x9

Spike Wall
Spike wall blocks thousands of bloons
Tier 5L
Total cost: $23,600
Rank 60
BP x13

Creates mini-stars that pop 300 bloons
Tier 5M
Total cost: $38,500
Rank 60
BP x11

Spike Storm
Covers the track in spikes
Tier 5R
Total cost: $27,000
Rank 60
BP x25

Place the entire track on lockdown
Tier 5S
Total cost: $59,700

Total BP to fully unlock: 88

Heli Pilot ($1250)[]

Heli Pilot
Quad Darts
Shoots out four darts
Tier 1
Total cost: $2,150
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Pestilence).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Railgun Plus).

Quintuple Spin
Shoots out five stronger spinning darts
Tier 2
Total cost: $3,300
Rail Gun
Powerful concentrated energy attack
Tier 3L
Total cost: $5,800
Razor Rotors
Quickly pops bloons closeby the tower
Tier 3M
Total cost: $5,700
Down Draft
Blows bloons away
Tier 3R
Total cost: $5,200
Railgun Plus
Shoots wider railgun beams and faster
Tier 3S
Total cost: $6,900
Rank 37
BP x5

Bloon Gas
East away at closeby bloons
Tier 4L
Total cost: $10,300
Rank 37
BP x5

Apache Dartship
Shoots much faster + Explosives
Tier 4M
Total cost: $23,600
Rank 37
BP x5

Support Chinook
Gives money, lives, and prevents stun
Tier 4R
Total cost: $11,200
Rank 37
BP x15

Rail Minigun Plus
Ultra fast railgun lasers
Total cost: $23,200
Rank 61
BP x9

Creates an inhospitable area
Tier 5L
Total cost: $19,300
Rank 61
BP x13

Flying Fortress
All in One Destroyer
Tier 5M
Total cost: $73,100
Rank 61
BP x11

Relief Aid
Temporarily gives you +6000 lives, you keep 100
Tier 5R
Total cost: $24,200
Rank 61
BP x25

Giga Drill Beam
Ultra Strong Beams + Mega Drill Beam
Total cost: $76,500

Total BP to fully unlock: 88

Plasma Monkey ($1110)[]

Plasma Monkey
Quad Plasma
Four Plasma whips
Tier 1
Total cost: $2,060
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5L (Moab Drain).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Plasma Whip).

Plasma does more damage
Tier 2
Total cost: $3,210
Bloon Drain
Drains money from bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $5,010
Solar Flares
Does a massive amount of damage
Tier 3M
Total cost: $6,560
Bloons take extra damage over time
Tier 3R
Total cost: $6,210
Plasma Whip
Rapid Short Range Attack
Total cost: $8,210
Rank 38
BP x4

Eight Plasma Whips
Tier 4L
Total cost: $8,510
Rank 38
BP x5

Gamma Rays
Four times as effective
Tier 4M
Total cost: $18,460
Rank 38
BP x5

When bloons get hit, they explode!
Tier 4R
Total cost: $12,210
Rank 38
BP x15

Plasma Punch
Chance For Knockback
Total cost: $24,210
Rank 62
BP x7

Moab Drain
Completely suck a MOAB-class bloon dry
Tier 5L
Total cost: $14,010
Rank 62
BP x13

Omega Rays
Obliterates everything it touches
Tier 5M
Total cost: $46,460
Rank 62
BP x11

Red Shift
Energizes the screen and very popful
Tier 5R
Total cost: $28,210
Rank 62
BP x25

Pure Doom
Total cost: $90,210

Total BP to fully unlock: 85

Super Monkey ($2500)[]

Super Monkey
Laser Vision
Lasers pop two bloons
Tier 1
Total cost: $5,400
Unlock the challenge for this tower by unlocking 5R (The Annihilator).

Complete the challenge to unlock 3S (Pure Energy Super).

Plasma Blasts
Plasma blasts do much more damage
Tier 2
Total cost: $10,000
Nega Monkey
Has more focus and drains HP from bloons
Tier 3L
Total cost: $19,000
Sun Worshipper
Unleash the sun over a wider area
Tier 3M
Total cost: $26,500
Robo Monkey
Detects camo/Shoots two stronger plasma beams
Tier 3R
Total cost: $20,000
Pure Energy Super
More Beams of Pure Energy
Total cost: $31,000
Rank 39
BP x6

Dark Monkey
Shoots dark matter and has a big sword
Tier 4L
Total cost: $38,900
Rank 39
BP x8

Sun Temple
Sacrifice adjacent towers for extra power ups
Tier 4M
Total cost: $116,500
Rank 39
BP x7

Technological Terror
Does 200% more damage
Tier 4R
Total cost: $47,000
Rank 39
BP x15

Super Energy Monkey
Stronger Energy Beams
Total cost: $86,000
Rank 63
BP x13

Bloons temporarily cannot escape the track
Tier 5L
Total cost: $82,900
Rank 63
BP x17

True Sun God
Popping Power in its purest form!
Tier 5M
Total cost: $716,500
Rank 63
BP x13

The Annihilator
Yup. Total popping hour
Tier 5R
Total cost: $101,000
Rank 63
BP x25

Arcane Guardian
Prevents Birthday Parties
Total cost: $241,000

Total BP to fully unlock: 104
